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CBSE Class 10 English First Flight - The Proposal Summary

 Author: Anton Chekov   लेखक: एंटोन चेकोव 'The Proposal' (originally titled 'A Marriage Proposal') is a one-act play, a farce, by the Russian short story writer and dramatist  Anton Chekhov . It was written in 1888–89. द प्रपोजल ’(मूल रूप से ए मैरिज प्रपोजल’ शीर्षक) रूसी लघु कथाकार और नाटककार एंटन चेखव द्वारा किया गया एकतरफा नाटक है। यह 1888-89 में लिखा गया था। Summary:सारांश The chapter, The Proposal is a comedy drama that is based on the tendency of two wealthy families who seek ties with each other to increase their estates by encouraging marriage that would improve their wealth. The play began with Ivan Lomov who visited Stephan Chubukov, a wealthy neighbour of Lomov. Lomov was a wealthy person himself who was dressed neatly and had come to seek Chubukov’s twenty-five-year-old daughter, Natalya Stepanovna’s hand in marriage. Initially, Chubukov was curious about Lomov’s sudden visit and assumed that the young man had come to ask for money which he might not return.

CBSE Class 10 English First Flight - Madam Rides the Bus Summary

  A uthor : Vallikkannan . लेखक: वल्लिककन्नन Summary:सारांश The story, Madam Rides the Bus illustrates the sensitive story of a young eight-year-old Tamil girl Valliammai. Valli was always curious to explore the outside world. She had no friends to play games with. So, her favourite pastime was to stand on the doorway of her house and watch all that was happening on the street outside. She would watch people get on and off the bus that travelled between her village and the nearest town. The bus that was filled with a new set of passengers filled her with a sense of unending joy. She had a strong urge to take a bus ride to explore the adventurous bus journey. Hence, she collected information about the bus timings by listening to the conversations of the people taking the bus ride. Soon she learnt that the bus journey from her village to the nearest town was approximately six miles. The bus fare cost thirty paise for a one way ride. So, Valli started saving enough money to take a ride on

CBSE Class 10 English First Flight - Glimpses of India Summary

  Part 1: A Baker from Goa Summary भाग 1: गोवा से एक बेकर सारांश This story is written by Lucio Rodrigues who talked about Goa that was once ruled by the Portuguese. Due to this reason, the people of the region are swayed by the Portuguese culture. Baking was the conventional profession of the Goan people and the bakers were known as ‘paders’ there. This story particularly revolves around the bakers living in a Goan village. The author mentioned how people in old times ate loaves of bread which were baked in large furnaces. The paders would come to sell those loaves in the street and would make a jingling sound with the bamboo whenever they arrived. He further added how the villagers enjoyed eating the loaves and bread-bangles brought in baskets for children by these bakers during his childhood. यह कहानी लुसियो रोड्रिग्स द्वारा लिखी गई है जिन्होंने गोवा के बारे में बात की थी जो कभी पुर्तगालियों द्वारा शासित था। इस कारण से, क्षेत्र के लोगों को पुर्तगाली संस्कृति द्वारा बह दिया गया है। ब

CBSE Class 10 English First Flight - The Hundred Dresses Summary

  Part 1 Summary:भाग 1 सारांश The Hundred Dresses Part 1 is a story written by Eleanor Estes that revolves around a Polish girl Wanda Petronski and her arrogant classmates, primarily Peggy and Madeline who would always tease her for her appearance and attire. Wanda was a gentle girl who had immigrated to America with her family. Her parents enrolled her in a school that mainly consisted of American students. Her classmates would often make fun of her name as it was quite different from others and treated her with contempt. हंड्रेड ड्रेसेस पार्ट 1 एलेनोर एसेस द्वारा लिखी गई एक कहानी है जो एक पोलिश लड़की वांडा पेट्रोन्स्की और उसके अभिमानी सहपाठियों, मुख्य रूप से पैगी और मैडलिन के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती है, जो हमेशा उसकी उपस्थिति और पोशाक के लिए उसे चिढ़ाती थी। वांडा एक कोमल लड़की थी जो अपने परिवार के साथ अमेरिका चली गई थी। उसके माता-पिता ने उसे एक स्कूल में दाखिला दिलाया जिसमें मुख्य रूप से अमेरिकी छात्र शामिल थे। उसके सहपाठी अक्सर उसके नाम का मजाक उड़ाते थे क्योंकि यह दूसरों से काफी अलग था और

CBSE Class 10 English First Flight - From the Diary of Anne Frank Summary

  Summary:सारांश From the Diary of Anne Frank is an autobiography of a young Jewish girl who wrote her thoughts in a diary. At first, she felt it was an unusual experience for her to pen down all her thoughts in pen and paper. She believed that no one in the near future would be interested to read about a young girl’s past experiences from her diary. However, she still decided to write her thoughts in her diary and named it “Kitty”. She considered her diary to be her true and loyal friend as she was lonely and had no friends to talk to. Anne felt that her diary had more capacity to absorb thoughts than people with low patience levels. Further, she mentioned how much she loved her family, especially her adorable father who gifted her the diary on her thirteenth birthday. ऐनी फ्रैंक की डायरी से एक युवा यहूदी लड़की की आत्मकथा है जिसने एक डायरी में अपने विचार लिखे हैं। सबसे पहले, उसने महसूस किया कि उसके लिए अपने सभी विचारों को कलम और कागज में कलम करना एक असामान्य अनुभव था। उनका मानना ​​था

CBSE Class 10 English First Flight - Two Stories About Flying Summary

  Part 1: His First Flight Summary भाग 1: उनकी पहली उड़ान सारांश The story “His First Flight” is written by Liam O’Flaherty and is based on a young seagull who was afraid to take his first flight because he feared that his wings wouldn’t support him while flying. All his siblings took the plunge to fly fearlessly in the open air despite having shorter wings than him. On the contrary, the young bird could not muster up courage to take the plunge due to distrust on his wings. Whenever he tried to come forward towards the brink of the ledge while attempting to fly, he became afraid and went back. His parents constantly upbraided and threatened him that unless he flew away he would have to starve alone on the ledge, but all their efforts went in vain. He would just watch his parents teaching his siblings how to skim the waves and dive for fish. कहानी "हिज फर्स्ट फ्लाइट" लियाम ओ'फ्लार्टी द्वारा लिखी गई है और यह एक युवा सीगल पर आधारित है जो अपनी पहली उड़ान लेने से डरता था क्यों

CBSE Class 10 English First Flight - Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom Summary

  Summary:सारांश Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom is an extract from the autobiography of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela that describes the struggle for freedom of black people in South Africa. On 10th May 1994, Nelson Mandela took the oath as South Africa’s first Black President after more than three centuries of White rule. His party had won 252 out of the 400 seats in the first democratic elections in the history of South Africa. नेल्सन मंडेला: लॉन्ग वॉक टू फ्रीडम नेल्सन रोलीहल मंडेला की आत्मकथा से एक उद्धरण है जो दक्षिण अफ्रीका में अश्वेत लोगों की स्वतंत्रता के लिए संघर्ष का वर्णन करता है। 10 मई 1994 को, नेल्सन मंडेला ने श्वेत शासन के तीन शताब्दियों से अधिक समय के बाद दक्षिण अफ्रीका के पहले अश्वेत राष्ट्रपति के रूप में शपथ ली। उनकी पार्टी ने दक्षिण अफ्रीका के इतिहास में पहले लोकतांत्रिक चुनावों में 400 में से 252 सीटें जीती थीं। Many dignitaries and political figures from several countries had attended the inauguration ceremony that took place in the Union Buildings amphitheatre in

CBSE Class 10 English First Flight A Letter to God Summary

  Author:  G.L. Fuentes .   लेखक: जी.एल. फुएंट्स He was one of the greatest writers of that time. He was a Mexican poet, novelist and also journalist. वह उस समय के महानतम लेखकों में से एक थे। वे एक मैक्सिकन कवि, उपन्यासकार और पत्रकार भी थे। Summary:सारांश A Letter to God is a story which depicts the firm faith of a poor and simple-minded farmer named Lencho in God. Lencho was poor yet a dedicated farmer. He was hoping for a decent harvest. To his dismay, a hailstorm came suddenly and destroyed all his crops and harvest completely. Seeing the damage, the poor farmer was taken aback and felt sad. However, he had a strong faith in God. He was a learned man who knew how to read and write. Due to his straightforward nature, he was certain that God would definitely help him. Thus, he decided to draft a letter to God while addressing his financial concerns to him. In the letter, he requested God to send him one hundred pesos to sow his fields again and save his family from starvation. Soon he