Author: Anton Chekov लेखक: एंटोन चेकोव 'The Proposal' (originally titled 'A Marriage Proposal') is a one-act play, a farce, by the Russian short story writer and dramatist Anton Chekhov . It was written in 1888–89. द प्रपोजल ’(मूल रूप से ए मैरिज प्रपोजल’ शीर्षक) रूसी लघु कथाकार और नाटककार एंटन चेखव द्वारा किया गया एकतरफा नाटक है। यह 1888-89 में लिखा गया था। Summary:सारांश The chapter, The Proposal is a comedy drama that is based on the tendency of two wealthy families who seek ties with each other to increase their estates by encouraging marriage that would improve their wealth. The play began with Ivan Lomov who visited Stephan Chubukov, a wealthy neighbour of Lomov. Lomov was a wealthy person himself who was dressed neatly and had come to seek Chubukov’s twenty-five-year-old daughter, Natalya Stepanovna’s hand in marriage. Initially, Chubukov was curious about Lomov’s sudden visit and assumed that the young man had come to ask for money which he might not retur...