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CBSE Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet - Bholi Summary

Author: Khwaja Ahmad Abbas Khwaja Ahmad Abbas   (K.A. Abbas). He was an Indian film director, screenwriter, novelist and journalist. He did his works in Hindi, Urdu and English languages.  लेखक: ख्वाजा अहमद अब्बास ख्वाजा अहमद अब्बास (के.ए. अब्बास)। वह एक भारतीय फिल्म निर्देशक, पटकथा लेखक, उपन्यासकार और पत्रकार थे। उन्होंने हिंदी, उर्दू और अंग्रेजी भाषाओं में अपने काम किए। Summary:सारांश This story is about a young girl named Sulekha who was popularly referred to as ‘Bholi’ for her simple nature. At ten months, she fell from her cot which caused some severe damage on her brain and she used to stammer when she learnt to talk. Bholi was born a pretty child, but she suffered from small-pox that left dark pock-marks on her face permanently. The ugly marks spoilt her appearance and people would often make fun of her due to her dullness. They would also consider her to be retarded as she stammered while speaking. यह कहानी सुलेखा नाम की एक युवा लड़की की है जिसे अपने सरल स्वभाव के लिए लोकप्रिय

CBSE Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet - The Hack Driver Summary

Author: Sinclair Lewis   Harry Sinclair Lewis (1885-1951) was an American novelist, short- story  writer  and playwright. He is the first American  writer  to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature. लेखक: सिनक्लेयर लुईस   हैरी सिनक्लेयर लुईस (1885-1951) एक अमेरिकी उपन्यासकार, लघु कथाकार और नाटककार थे। वह साहित्य में नोबेल पुरस्कार प्राप्त करने वाले पहले अमेरिकी लेखक हैं। Summary: सारांश This delightful tale is about a naive lawyer who started working as a junior assistant clerk in a famous law firm in the city post his graduation. He hated the job of serving summons as he had to confront unpleasant situations. One fine day, he had to visit a village, New Mullion to serve summons to Oliver Lutkins who was a prime witness in some law case. Although he was happy to visit the village, he lost interest when he saw that it was a dull and lifeless place. यह रमणीय कहानी एक भोले वकील के बारे में है जो शहर के एक प्रसिद्ध लॉ फर्म में जूनियर असिस्टेंट क्लर्क के रूप में काम करने लगा। उन्हें समन परोस

CBSE Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet - The Necklace Summary

Watch Video Tap On Image: Author: Henri René Albert Guy de Maupassant लेखक: हेनरी रेने अल्बर्ट गाय डी मौपासेंट Henri René Albert Guy de Maupassant   (5 August 1850 – 6 July 1893) was a French writer, remembered as a master of the short story form, and as a representative of the naturalist school of writers, who depicted human lives and destinies and social forces in disillusioned and often pessimistic terms. हेनरी रेने अल्बर्ट गाइ डे मूपसेंट (5 अगस्त 1850 - 6 जुलाई 1893) एक फ्रांसीसी लेखक थे, जिन्हें लघु कहानी के रूप में और लेखकों के प्रकृतिवादी स्कूल के प्रतिनिधि के रूप में याद किया जाता था, जिन्होंने मानव जीवन और नियति और सामाजिक शक्तियों का चित्रण किया था। मोहभंग और अक्सर निराशावादी शब्दों में।   Summary: सारांश This fictional short story is about a pretty lady, Matilda Loisel who lived in a small yet cosy flat with her husband. He worked as a clerk in the office of the Board of Education and loved his wife very much. They were not so well-off to be able to have a luxurious lifestyl

CBSE Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet - The Making of a Scientist Summary

Author: Robert W Peterson Robert W Peterson  was a famous American newspaper writer who later became a freelance author of magazine articles. He wrote with authority, particularly on the topics of sports and scouting. He was born in 1925 in Pennsylvania in the  USA  and died of lung cancer on 11 February 2006 लेखक: रॉबर्ट डब्ल्यू पीटरसन रॉबर्ट डब्ल्यू पीटरसन एक प्रसिद्ध अमेरिकी अखबार लेखक थे जो बाद में पत्रिका लेखों के स्वतंत्र लेखक बन गए। उन्होंने अधिकार के साथ लिखा, विशेष रूप से खेल और स्काउटिंग के विषयों पर। उनका जन्म 1925 में अमेरिका के पेंसिल्वेनिया में हुआ था और 11 फरवरी 2006 को फेफड़ों के कैंसर से उनकी मृत्यु हो गई थी   This prose is about a renowned scientist, Richard Ebright who was a bright yet curious child from the early years of his life. He was very fond of collecting butterflies and when he was in second grade, he had already collected 25 species of butterflies in his home town. His mother always encouraged him in his efforts and gifted him a book named ‘The Travels of M

CBSE Class 10 English Footprints without Feet - Footprints Without Feet Summary

Author: Herbert George Wells H.G. Wells , in full  Herbert George Wells , (born September 21, 1866, Bromley, Kent, England—died August 13, 1946, London),was an English novelist, journalist, sociologist, and historian best known for such science fiction novels as The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds and such comic novels as Tono-Bungay and The... हरबर्ट जॉर्ज वेल्स एचजी वेल्स, पूर्ण हर्बर्ट जॉर्ज वेल्स में, (जन्म 21 सितंबर, 1866, ब्रोमली, केंट, इंग्लैंड-मृत्यु 13 अगस्त, 1946, लंदन), एक अंग्रेजी उपन्यासकार, पत्रकार, समाजशास्त्री और इतिहासकार थे जिन्हें विज्ञान कथा उपन्यासों के रूप में जाना जाता है। द टाइम मशीन और द वार ऑफ़ द वर्ल्ड्स और इस तरह के कॉमिक उपन्यासों में टोनो-बुंगे और द ... Summary   This story is about a brilliant scientist named Griffin who had developed a drug that could make a man invisible. He was successful in his experiment and developed a formula that had the power of invisibility. By consuming the drug, a man could become transparent that could not be seen with