1. Which of the following is not the unit of distance? (a) Light year (b) Astronomical Unit (c) Parsec (d) Millisecond 2. The dimensional formula for ω in the relation y = A Sin ωt is (a) [M° L° T] (b) [M° L° T–1] (c) [ML° T°] (d) [M° L–1 T–1] 3. Dimensional formula for curie is (a) [M° L T–1] (b) [M° L–1 T°] (c) [M° L° T–1] (d) [M–1 L° T°] 4. Which of the following pairs of physical quantities does not have same dimensional formula. (a) Work and torque (b) Angular momentum and Planck's constant (c) Tension and surface tension (d) Impulse and linear momentum 5. If momentum (p), Area (A) and time (T) are takes as fundamental quantities, then energy has the dimensional formula : (a) [ p A½ T–1 ] (b) [ p A–½ T1 ] (c) [ p2 A T ] (d) [ p A–1 T ] 6. Out of 4.0 and 4.00, which is more accurate? (a) 4.0 (b) 4.00 (c) Both are equally accurate (d) Nothing can be said 7. The speed (v) of sound in a gas is given by v = k Px ρy Where K is dimensionless con...
Summary:सारांश This poem is a humorous ballad that presents a piece of writing in a funny way. A little girl Belinda is described in this poem, with many pets whom she had named. She has named the black kitten as Ink, grey mouse as Blink, yellow dog as Mustard and a coward dragon as Custard. The poet has beautifully described all these characters in the poem. He says that all of them are very brave except the dragon. But his perception changes when the dragon saves everyone from the attack of pirates on Belinda’s house. यह कविता एक हास्यपूर्ण गाथागीत है जो मजाकिया अंदाज में लेखन का एक अंश प्रस्तुत करता है। इस कविता में एक छोटी लड़की बेलिंडा का वर्णन किया गया है, जिसके कई पालतू जानवर हैं, जिनका उसने नाम रखा था। उसने काली बिल्ली के बच्चे को इंक, ग्रे माउस को ब्लिंक, पीले कुत्ते को मस्टर्ड और कस्टर्ड ड्रैगन को कस्टर्ड नाम दिया है। कवि ने कविता में इन सभी पात्रों का सुंदर वर्णन किया है। वह कहता है कि अजगर को छोड़कर सभी बहुत बहादुर हैं। लेकिन उनकी धारणा तब बदल जाती है जब ड्रैगन बेलिंड...