Author: Ruskin Bond Ruskin Bond (born 19 May 1934) is an Indian author of British descent. He lives with his adopted family in Landour, Mussoorie, India . The Indian Council for Child Education has recognised his role in the growth of children's literature in India . लेखक: रस्किन बॉन्ड रस्किन बॉन्ड (जन्म 19 मई 1934) ब्रिटिश मूल के एक भारतीय लेखक हैं। वह भारत के मसूरी शहर में अपने गोद लिए हुए परिवार के साथ रहते हैं। भारतीय बाल शिक्षा परिषद ने भारत में बच्चों के साहित्य के विकास में उनकी भूमिका को मान्यता दी है। Summary : सारांश The story is about a young fifteen-year-old boy, Hari Singh who befriended people in order to rob them. One day, he met Anil during a wrestling match. Anil was a twenty-five-year-old man who was leading his life casually. He was a struggling writer who would make small money with his writing prowess. Hari flattered Anil by trying to befriend him and asked him for some work. कहानी पंद्रह साल के एक युवा हरि सिंह की है, जो लोगों को लूटने के लिए उनसे दोस्